Thursday, October 16, 2014

The quest for an OSGI friendly web framework: Day 1 => Spring and Spring DM

Day 1 => Spring and Spring DM


Springframework has a solid user base and one of the most established Java Web Frameworks. It takes care of a lot of things for building Enterprise Web applications. But then there is OSGI which is a solid foundation for application Modularity.

This blog is one of the articles in a series named Quest for an OSGI friendly Webframework, this first time we turn to about making a minimal SpringFramework web application running as an OSGI bundle which can be started/stopped etc.. and we have 1 day for it!.


To work along this exercise, you will need:
- An Eclipse installation (Kepler or Luna).
- Maven Plugin for Eclipse (m2e) and the p2-maven-plugin
- Knowledge of Eclipse PDE Concepts (Features, Plugins, Target Platform, P2 Repositories, Products).

WARNING: This is not a step-by-step instruction, you will need to make sure how to add missing OSGI and other features and bundles to make it all work. 

Result - FAILED

This failed. Spring mechanisms do not fit in OSGI. I ran into a class loading issue, which doesn't seem resolvable. I also tried Spring-DM, but the last version (1.2.1) is not dependency compatible with Spring 4 framework. A bit more reading, learned me it was donated to Eclipse in the Gemini project known as the Gemini-Blueprint. It's alive for sure. An evaluation of Gemini-blueprint will have to follow. So after one day, not even an HTTP service was up and running...

Still readers might still be interested in reading about the details and approach of this attempt.


The OSGI container I use is Eclipse equinox. Alternatives could Apache Felix, Karaf or another OSGI container.  Depending on the OSGI implementation, the way bundles are deployed differs.

What I know well is Eclipse Equinox OSGI and all the tooling for it. I am less familiar with the SpringFramework. One way to run an Eclipse application is by creating a .product This will reference Eclipse Features, which will then reference the OSGI bundles. Now, it seems a good approach to create an Eclipse Feature which will contain all the needed SpringFramework bundles.

Make the SpringFramework Bundle available to Eclipse

So the first task at hand is to make sure the SpringFramework bundles are available in the Eclipse target platform or in the Workspace to be able to add them to a feature. Getting in the workspace as source code, could be done by cloning the source repository, but I decide on another approach, which is to produce a P2 repository which can then be used to populate the Eclipse Target Platform.

Now it turns out, there is this very cool Maven plugin, which can produce a P2 Repositories from bundles available on a Maven repository. The maven plugin name is p2-maven-plugin.

Following the instructions it is possible to produce a P2 repository for the Springframework bundles.
The produced P2 can then be published on an HTTP server kept locally for consumption by a Eclipse target definition.

In my case, I have pushed the P2 to a web server:

[Screen shot of the P2?]

Now, I can reference the P2 repository and the target definition will look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- generated with -->
<target name="springframework" sequenceNumber="1413366361">
    <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="true" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="false" type="InstallableUnit">
      <unit id="org.springframework.aop" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.asm" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.beans" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.context" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.core" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.expression" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.instrument" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.jdbc" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.orm" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="org.springframework.transaction" version="3.0.7.RELEASE"/>
      <unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
      <unit id="" version="0.0.0"/>
      <repository location=""/>

Now, it's not said this is the complete list of required Spring Framework bundles, but the basic idea is there.

Now we can load this target platform in Eclipse. (Actually a more complete TP is required, but for illustration purpose, I only list the springframwork repo location in the target above).

Create an Eclipse feature for the SpringFramework (and it's dependencies). 

File -> New -> Feature Project
I named it org.springframework.artifacts.feature

To get started easy, I would recommend just adding


...bundles to the feature. Just to see what happens and what can be consumed from this bundle already.

Add the feature to a .product file and run the product.

Assuming you are familiar with building Eclipse .product files (Which are feature based), Create a .product then add the feature you just defined plus the Equinox bundles.

From the product editor it is now possible to verify the dependencies, and you might be required to add a couple of missing plugins, like org.apache.commons.logging. The more Springframework bundles we will add to the feature, the more 3rd party dependencies will be required, hé!

Now run the product. (I usually specify -console 8811 in the product launch configuration setting, so I can get to the OSGI prompt). Oh and you will need the osgi.console etc... bundles as well...

[4] What's loaded.

Open a terminal and type: telnet 0 8811  to open the OSGI console.
and then perform:

osgi> ss org.springframework
"Framework is launched."

id    State       Bundle
16    RESOLVED    org.springframework.core_3.0.7.RELEASE
40    RESOLVED    org.springframework.expression_3.0.7.RELEASE

Now we will observe the springframework bundles are present in our OSGI application, hooray!
They remain in state RESOLVED, as they are not consumed or force started.

More details can be obtained with

osgi> bundle 16 (See output [1] org.springframework.core bundle details).

From this output we can see which packages this bundle exports and imports. It's interesting to see, the bundle can be activate, while some of the imported packages are not available

For example, the package here is imported by org.springframework.core, but is not exported by any of the bundles.

osgi> packages org.springframework.asm
No exported packages

This is Ok, as these are listed as optional (See [1]

Create an application context

The basic spring application which can be obtained from one of the Spring getting-started guides is an ApplicationContext  and a couple of java classes with Spring annotations.

The guide I followed is this one.

In the example, there is a java main method, but in OSGI we use bundle activators or declarative services to bootup code. So I have created a bundle, activator and a DS to do exactly this.

the DS Service looks like this: (Note: The @Component annotation is an OSGI annotation, not Spring).

public class SpringService {

    public void activate() {
        ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
        MessagePrinter printer = context.getBean(MessagePrinter.class);


The SpringApp class looks like this:

public class SpringApp {

    MessageService mockMessageService() {
        return new MessageService() {
            public String getMessage() {
              return "Hello World!";

This bundle is then packaged with the Eclipse product (As part of a feature), with feature dependencies to the required Springframework bundles.

When launching OSGI, the services are activated, but explodes with a stacktrace. (OSGI tries to activate the service several times. Showing the component status with:


4    Unsatisfied  

More details...

osgi> comp 4
    name =
    activate = activate
    deactivate = deactivate
    modified =
    configuration-policy = optional
    configuration-pid =
    factory = null
    autoenable = true
    immediate = true
    implementation =
    state = Unsatisfied
    properties =
    serviceFactory = false
    serviceInterface = null
    references = null
    located in bundle = com.netxforge.oss2.spring.app_1.0.0.qualifier [25]
Dynamic information :
  The component is satisfied
  All component references are satisfied
  Component configurations :
    Configuration properties: = = 3
    No instances were created because: Can not activate instance of component The activation throws: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot load configuration class:

So, the SpringApp class can be loaded by Spring. In the stacktrace, the following entry is responsible:


After a bit of code inspection and debugging, I realized the classloading mechanism will try to load the class from the spring bundle spring-context, but without knowledge of my application bundle and the SpringApp.class.

The obtained classloader is: Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); (ClassUtils of Spring).

Now in OSGI loading a class should happen using the Bundle, like this:
final Class<?> clazz = bundle.loadClass(clazzName);

This seems the likely cause of the class loading issue. I am also thinking about buddy-loading policies, but this would need us to modify the spring bundle MANIFEST.MF , which have been generated and archived, so that doesn't seem the right path.

sight... a dead-end here. I could dive into it, but it dawns, that a monolithic class framework like Spring will never fit well in OSGI unless..

Spring DM / Gemini-Blueprint

So, one of my bad-habits is not to accept the situation and move on. I had to spend a bit more time scanning the web for more information on the subject, and then I stumbled on Spring DM. Wow, this is what I needed in the first place, was the first reaction. I also found this very nice article dating 2012 about the topic:

Wow, this is exactly what i want to do. Role up the sleeves and get going then.
So, I updated my P2 repo to include the Spring-DM bundles (Which are not called DM btw), where the version is 1.2.1


And the bundles showed up, so I added to my Eclipse feature, but then I got a version error!
What?!?! Spring DM is not compatible with Spring Framework 4?

A bit of more research revealed that Spring-DM was abandoned and given to Eclipse to become part of the Gemini project as the Gemini-blueprint. The development is active, but I am not sure about the pace, and I am still very much put off by the fact that it's not supporting the current Spring version (4.x). Someone on the forum asked about it, but the answer was "not yet", so when remains to be answered.

I don't want to give up on Gemini yet, but time's up. The sun is down, and a clear night-sky illuminates the my balcony. Time to shutdown for the night!

[1] 0utput from osgi>bundle 16

org.springframework.core_3.0.7.RELEASE [16]
  Id=16, Status=ACTIVE      Data Root=/Users/Christophe/Documents/Spaces/netxstudio/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/oss2app.product/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/16/data
  "No registered services."
  No services in use.
  Exported packages
    org.springframework.core; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.annotation; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.convert; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.convert.converter; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.enums; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.serializer; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.task; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.type; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.type.classreading; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.core.type.filter; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.util; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.util.comparator; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
    org.springframework.util.xml; version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[exported]
  Imported packages
    org.apache.commons.logging; version="1.1.1"<org.apache.commons.logging_1.1.1.v201101211721 [11]>
    org.xml.sax.helpers; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    org.xml.sax.ext; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    org.xml.sax; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    org.w3c.dom; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    org.eclipse.core.runtime; version="3.4.0"<org.eclipse.equinox.common_3.6.100.v20120522-1841 [1]>
    org.apache.log4j.xml; version="1.2.15"<org.apache.log4j_1.2.15.v201012070815 [28]>
    org.apache.log4j; version="1.2.15"<org.apache.log4j_1.2.15.v201012070815 [28]>
    javax.xml.transform.stax; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    javax.xml.transform.sax; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    javax.xml.transform; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    javax.xml.namespace; version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.9.1.v20140110-1610 [0]>
    org.aspectj.bridge; version="[1.5.4,2.0.0)"<unwired><optional>
    org.aspectj.weaver; version="[1.5.4,2.0.0)"<unwired><optional>
    org.aspectj.weaver.bcel; version="[1.5.4,2.0.0)"<unwired><optional>
    org.aspectj.weaver.patterns; version="[1.5.4,2.0.0)"<unwired><optional>
    org.jboss.vfs; version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)"<unwired><optional>
    org.jboss.virtual; version="[2.1.0.GA,3.0.0)"<unwired><optional>
    org.springframework.asm; version="[3.0.7,3.0.8)"<unwired><optional>
    org.springframework.asm.commons; version="[3.0.7,3.0.8)"<unwired><optional>
  No fragment bundles
  Named class space
    org.springframework.core; bundle-version="3.0.7.RELEASE"[provided]
  No required bundles

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